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Lawless (Defenders MC Book 2) Page 6
Lawless (Defenders MC Book 2) Read online
Page 6
Law looked down at her and frowned. “What the fuck Nikki, you’re as white as a sheet?”
“Nice piece you got there Law.” Slick drawled as his eyes crawled over her. “Lil jumpy. Why are you so jumpy lil mouse?”
Nikki looked up at Law. This man worked with the Devils. In that moment she wanted to tell Law, but she looked into Slick’s eyes and they shifted just behind her telling her he wasn’t alone. They would kill her and Law if she spoke up.
“Shut the fuck up Slick.” Law all but ignored the man as he led Nikki toward the store entrance.
“She don’t look too smart either, wonder if she can keep her mouth shut about shit.”
“Smarter than you and not your problem.”
“No, and it better stay that way.” The words were spoken low, but Nikki caught them.
“Law. I need to tell you something. I need to tell you right now. Law it’s important, please.”
Law frowned down at her and started to speak when his phone rang.
“Hang on babe.”
Law left her standing alone while he stepped away to answer the call and Nikki felt eyes on her. Slick walked up and whispered.
“Your brother is worried about you, lil mouse.”
“Leave me alone.” Nikki was proud of how strong her voice was as she stiffened her spine.
“He was glad to hear you survived the little lesson Dax taught you.”
“I said leave me alone.” Nikki looked away trying to ignore him.
“You are Dax’s oldlady. Makes you club property.” Slick hissed. “I’ll do as I please with you.”
“Which club?” She snapped her eyes back to him then. “Seems you have a hard time figuring out which one you should be loyal to.”
The slap stung before the words were out of her mouth good and she fell to the rough concrete sidewalk. Before she could blink, Slick had joined her. She looked up expecting to see Lawless glowering down at them, but it was Spec who stood there with a speculative look on his face. He held out his hand and helped Nikki to her feet while Slick cursed.
Spec pushed his glassed up the bridge of his nose. “I suggest you get lost Slick before Law forces you to dig your own grave.”
“You piece of shit. Law isn’t going to give a shit about some whore. You’ll pay for this you fucking pussy.”
Before Nikki knew what to think Slick was rolling on the ground again.
“I don’t appreciate threats.” Spec shrugged and took her arm. “Come inside, you shouldn’t be on the street.”
Nikki looked up and saw knowledge in this man’s eyes, as if he knew all her secrets.
“What do you know?”
“More than you do and it is being handled.”
Nikki grabbed his arm in a desperate grip. “Are they safe?”
Spec tilted his head and studied her for a long moment before he nodded. “You aren’t and I’m sorry to say, I don’t see any way you ever will be. I will try to keep any information that isn’t necessary out of hands that might do you harm.”
Tears began then and Nikki lost her voice. She saw in Spec’s face that he regretted what he knew was in her future, but it was nothing she didn’t know already.
“What the fuck?” Law roared and grabbed Nikki away from Spec. “Did you fucking do this shit?”
Spec only lifted a brow.
Spec nodded.
“Tell me you hurt him.” Law was almost vibrating with rage.
“He felt quite a lot of pain, not enough though so feel free.”
Law held Nikki at arm’s length. “Are you ok?”
“Yes, but Law we need to talk.” She wanted it to come from her. She had to tell him everything.
“Later babe. We gotta go. Clothes will have to wait.”
“But Law, it’s important.”
His eyes were cold as ice when they met hers. “I said later.”
That stopped any protest. “Ok.”
Nikki had hoped to talk on the ride back, but Spec had scooted in beside her. The tension in the truck was so thick she almost choked on it. The men didn’t speak although she knew they needed to. She was in the way. When they got to Law’s house she was told to lock the doors and stay inside.
“Stay away from the windows. You should be safe, but I want you to be prepared. There is a gun in the drawer beside my bed and the closet is bullet proof. I want you to grab some food and shit and store it in there. If anything happens or you just get scared I want you to go in and lock the door.”
She nodded.
“Good girl.” Law kissed her hard before he left her standing on his porch. “Don’t worry. Just go to bed and I’ll be home before you know it. You are safe here.” He ran his thumb over her cheek where Slick had hit her then he shocked her by bending his head and kissing it as if he was trying to kiss away her hurt.
That made her fear lessen and she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight. For a moment he just stood there, but in a blink he had her wrapped up tight and warm as if he couldn’t let her go.
“I will be back Nikki.”
She looked into his eyes and saw a glimmer of something she’d never seen before. She nodded and went inside locking the door behind her. She kept herself busy following his orders and soon felt good about her preparations in the closet. She grabbed the gun and tucked it in the back of her jeans. The house seemed so quiet, but she didn’t want to turn on any music so she could hear if anything happened. It made her jumpy.
She forced herself to go to her room and climb into bed. She thought she would never be able to sleep, but she was wrong.
Law sat at the large oaken table with his brothers. There had been six Devils in town today. Nikki was right to be scared. Shadow had taken them out as she and Slick fought on the sidewalk. Law felt a chill run up his spine as he thought about how close he’d come to losing her.
The Devils were planning another attack and the information was good that it would be within the next few hours. They had targeted Shadow’s family which wasn’t a surprise, but it was weighing on the man who was rumored to have no feelings. Looking at his friend now, he knew the rumors were false, even if he hadn’t seen him with his family. He met his brother’s eyes when he looked up and silently offered his vow of support. He would die to protect his brother’s family and he knew Shad would do no less for him.
Shadow’s family, along with the other women and children were in the bowels of the clubhouse. The women had worked to clean the dungeon like rooms and try to make them habitable, but it was still a dark hole used for killing. Law felt a pang. Nikki should be down there too, but he couldn’t admit that, not to his brothers and barely to himself. It would have meant claiming her and he wasn’t ready for that, maybe never would be.
Shadow answered when his phone rang and the room fell silent. His black eyes bored into Law as he disconnected.
“Lace remembers where she knows Nikki from. Her brother is a cop, apparently Lace and her boss went to a funeral for Nikki’s mom a couple of months ago.”
Law frowned, he hadn’t known Nikki had lost her mother. He wondered if they had been close… His thoughts were interrupted when Shad finished his thought.
“Officer Teddy Buxton.”
“The same dirty cop that’s been working with Dax and the Devils.” Spec nodded and frowned.
The door opened and Slick grinned as he almost slithered into the room.
“Guess I was right about that piece huh Spec? She ain’t locked down with the others is she?”
Preach looked up. Slick hadn’t proven himself and wasn’t trusted to be in on this meeting and he wasn’t privy to the whereabouts of his family.
“What’s the problem Slick?” Preach asked with narrowed eyes.
Slick took a seat next to Mike. The men around the table exchanged curious looks, but left the talking to Preach.
“You have to earn that chair Slick.” Preach frowned.
��m about to.” He grinned and cut his eyes to Law.
“Law is about to start a fucking war over his lil mouse.”
All eyes turned to Law and he frowned. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Heard she’s Dax Towery’s new oldlady.” Slick put in and grinned.
“Fuck! Bring me that fucking whore! She gets word to them and this is fucked.” Preach roared. “I want her alive and I want to make her fucking sorry for it.”
Law stood and nodded. He left the room with Spec on his heels. His heart sank and hardened with each step. She had played him for a fool. Every smile, every touch had been nothing but bullshit. He wanted to gut her. He wanted to shake her and he wanted her to tell him it was all bullshit, but he knew it wasn’t.
Nikki woke to the sound of a crash in the house and scrambled from her bed. She ran out her door and almost made it to Law’s closet before a hand tangled in her hair and she was jerked back against a hard chest. She screamed and then lost her breath when she was slammed against the wall.
“You fucking bitch!”
Law was in a screaming rage as he held Nikki against the wall. Spec stood behind him and just watched as Law shook with his rage.
“Law?” Nikki’s voice shook and was barely above a rasp.
“Fucking right you godamned whore.” He slammed his gun flat against the wall so she could see it. The dim light made the black gun look like a shadow come to claim her life and she didn’t fight him. She just stood there and waited. Her silence must have pissed him off more because he pressed her harder against the unforgiving wall.
“I told you never to fuck with me.”
She only nodded and closed her eyes.
Law pressed the cold metal of the gun against her temple and pressed. “Talk bitch. What the fuck did you tell your fucking cop brother?”
“Fuck! The fucking beating was just bullshit to fucking get you in. I fucking hate women and their fucking lies.” Law paced away from her screaming in his rage. Nikki stayed where she was, with her face against the wall and her eyes closed.
“Answer me Goddamn you.”
“The beating was real. Dax wanted to send a message after I told him I’d sucked your dick so I wouldn’t have to suck his.” Her voice was flat as if she relayed facts with no feelings at all.
Law stopped and turned. “What did you tell them?”
“I told them that Shadow’s family was being kept in the hills to the north east, in a small house, but there were booby traps everywhere.”
Law saw Spec shift from the corner of his eye. He pushed his glasses up his nose. “Why did you tell them that?”
“Because I hoped it was far enough away that no one would get hurt.” She still hadn’t moved.
“Do you know where they are?”
Spec nodded.
“Will you please kill me now?” She said in her toneless voice.
“No. Preach wants you brought in and he wants to kill you himself.” Law spat.
Nikki nodded and felt the first tear trickle down her face. She would pay for what she had done and it would not be a merciful end.
Nikki walked into the clubhouse on shaking legs. She was shown into a room with a long wooden table and mismatched chairs. The officers of the Defenders Mc scowled at her when she entered and the terrifying man at the head of the table stood.
“You fucking whore! You come into my place and try to get information on my family? You are dead and it’s going to fucking hurt.”
“I think you should hear what she has to say.” Shad’s quiet voice shattered the silence as if it had been thunder.
“I agree.” Law put in.
“You don’t get a fucking vote Law. You were too busy getting your dick wet to find out what you were fucking.”
“That what you think?” Nikki looked up. That was hurt she heard in Law’s voice and it was her fault. She felt rage bubble up inside her. She didn’t have to be a mouse anymore. She was dead anyway.
“Fuck you Preachyman! How dare you accuse Law of being disloyal! Why don’t you look in your own mirror to see who was stupid enough to overlook a traitor?” Her eyes landed on Slick and she saw fear in his eyes. “Slick was working with the Devils.” She pointed her finger at him. “I thought I was escaping evil when I came here, but from where I stand you aren’t that much different from the Devils. He was there when Dax beat me and he threatened me on the street today. ”
Slick stood up and pulled his gun out of the back of his pants. Law knocked Nikki out of the way before the bullet ripped into the heavy brick wall behind her.
“Put the fucking gun down you son of a bitch.” Preach roared. Three brothers wrestled the gun from Slick as he spat curses at Nikki.
“I won’t be insulted by some trashy whore!”
“Shad, this piece of trash could have gotten your family killed.”
Shad nodded. “She could have.” Shad’s eyes flashed and his eyes narrowed.
“I think we should hear what she has to say.” Spec put in.
“Are you fucking kidding me? She accused one of our brothers of being a rat! We know she’s nothing but a fucking liar.” Preach was furious. “She spread her legs for the first brother that looked her way and she made sure she made him happy so she could get her information.”
“I didn’t ask to be thrown into this mess and I am prepared to die, but you won’t blame Law for it. Blame the Devils and blame me, but don’t you dare blame him.”
Law raised a brow.
She had made her way over to where Preach stood glowering down at her. Law looked around the room at his brothers and saw anger, but he saw admiration and even amusement too.
“I took a beating when I couldn’t get the information they wanted and when I could have given them what they wanted or close, I lied and took another beating and got dumped in the ditch for it.”
“She gave them a false location for Shad’s family.” Spec added.
That had Shad’s eyes cutting to her in that probing way he had that made her skin crawl. Nikki met his eyes for the first time and locked her knees to stay upright. She let him probe her mind as if he could read her thoughts and when Preach spoke she almost fainted.
“Law, you brought her here, you take her out right fucking now or I will.”
Nikki looked up at Law and gave him a sad smile as she walked to where he stood glaring at her.
“I am sorry for this Law. I tried to tell you before.” She shrugged and lowered her head.
Law grabbed her by the throat and slammed her against the wall. “Shut up. Just shut the fuck up.” He pressed his gun to her temple again, just as he had at her house and Nikki waited. She could feel his breath in her hair and for some reason she started to hum.
Nikki jumped when she heard a bang but she felt no pain. She smelled the smell of gunpowder and couldn’t bring herself to open her eyes. Then she felt Law’s forehead lean against her hair and he cursed.
“I’m standing for her.” Shad met Law’s startled eyes and was wearing the same look Law had given him earlier.
“Fuck you Shad.” Preach roared.
“Fuck you too Pops. I won’t stand by while you kill my brother’s old lady just because your pride is stinging. She protected us. Got her ass beat and I think a lot more than that and she still protected those who matter to us. It took guts to call Slick out and we all know she isn’t lying.”
The room grew deadly quiet. They all knew what family meant to Shad and they knew he wouldn’t back down.
“Fine! Put it to a vote!” His eyes turned to Law. “You claiming her?”
Law’s eyes met Nikki’s when he turned her. “I’m claimin’ her.” He felt his heart slammed against his chest, out of all the dangerous shit he had done over the years, none had scared him like saying those three words. He nodded. “I’m claimin’ her.” Her smile broke something loose inside of him and he nodded as she asked h
im questions with her eyes. He propped his chin on her head and let his eyes travel around the room. This wasn’t over, but he had made his choice.
No one spoke.
Preach’s phone rang and he grabbed it with a gruff hello.
“Fuck. When? Keep me posted.” Preach slammed the phone down. “They got to Rider. Looks like that bitch he was fucking was another Devils whore. He’s on his way to the hospital, doesn’t look good.” He met the eyes of the other men around the table. “We letting her off too since a brother liked her pussy?”
Law closed his eyes. That just fucked Nikki. He held her a little closer.
Spec spoke up then. “The situations are nothing alike. I warned Rider that I thought something was off with Ginny and I talked to Law about Nikki. Law listened. He took precautions and Nikki was watched. Rider was blind to the possibility and ended up fucked.” Spec looked up as if he had been teaching a class of children. “Tonight Law stood for his brothers first and made sure Nikki wasn’t ratting us out, plus she has been on lockdown at his place for a couple weeks. It took restraint for him not to kill her before he got her back here.” He let his eyes fall on Slick. “I witnessed a nasty exchange between Slick and Nikki… he threatened her and hurt her. After, she begged me to make them safe… I played along, but I believe she meant the women and children and she was terrified of Slick. We know there is a rat, I suspect it is Slick.”
“Shut the fuck up Spec, you make my head hurt.” Preach still looked like he wanted to kill someone. “We need proof on Slick before we can do anything about him.”
“I just need his phone.” Spec said and stood to retrieve it.
“I say we let Law deal with his woman.” Ace spoke from beside Preach. Several brothers nodded. “Sounds like all she did was keep shit from him and that’s his personal business, plus she might be able to tell us something useful.”
“Fucking pussies. What the fuck can she tell us that we don’t know?” Preach hissed.
“I can tell you that the Devils are coming and you can bet your ass, if Slick knows, they know where to find your women.”