Lawless (Defenders MC Book 2) Page 5
He nodded thoughtfully. “I think you are full of shit and I don’t like lies.”
Nikki nodded. “Ok, then yes, you hurt me.” It actually felt good to admit it and see the flicker if regret in his eyes.
Law nodded. “I don’t want to hurt you.” He breathed in again as if the words were painful. “You can tell me if I do and I’ll stop. Last night won’t happen again.”
Nikki was shocked out of her mind and it must have shown because he wasn’t happy when he stood and stalked to the bed.
“I’m not a fucking animal Nikki.”
She found her voice then. “I know.” She said quietly.
“Fuck! Ok look. You will live in my house and be my live in fuck and anything else I need until I get tired of seeing your face, but I won’t hurt you intentionally or unless you deserve it. I don’t know how to be tender and I’m far from kind, but I will try not to be the monster everyone thinks I am.”
That sounded a little more like it. Nikki nodded. “When would you like me to get started?”
Law frowned and Nikki felt like she had said the wrong thing, but he didn’t dwell on it. “Now. Get dressed.”
“In what?”
He nodded to a stack of clothes on the dresser and raised his brows. Nikki knew her face was red and it was stupid to be embarrassed now, but she was, somehow this seemed different and it was all she could do to stand and walk naked to the bathroom. She knew she was far from sexy, she was still covered in bruises, but Law always made her feel things she wasn’t sure how to describe…
Nikki had been at Law’s house for ten days. She had been shocked to find it neat and mostly clean. It was definitely a man’s house, but she had expected a wreck. Instead she had been surprised by the little wooden cottage. The furnishings were masculine and matched Law. Nothing frilly here. The kitchen was large, but almost sterile. This was just a house. There was nothing sentimental here and it couldn’t be confused with a home. For some reason it made Law seem almost sad and Nikki admitted that she would like to change that. He had admitted that he didn’t use the house that often and had only bought it because Preach offered it to him. Mrs. had furnished it and Law used it when he needed to be alone.
Some of the women had come around to check her out and she figured it was mostly out of curiosity. She met Angel and her sister Lizzie and admitted she found them too different to believe they were sisters at all. Bambi and Lacey came by a couple times and after the first full week the women got together and decided she needed a day out.
“I really shouldn’t. Law said I’m not really allowed to associate with you guys. He was pretty pissed the last time you guys came over…”
Lacey frowned. “Law is a dick.” The other women erupted in laughter. “Well it’s not like we can really go anywhere anyway. Let’s just hang out here today. “Mrs. has the kids and I can get one of the prospects to bring us some booze and food.” Lacey wiggled her brows.
“Hell yes!” Angel whooped and pulled out her phone.
“Well, I guess that’s that.” Nikki was excited to have a day with the women after being alone for so long.
For the most part Law had left her alone other than at night when he ravished her until she fell into an exhausted sleep, but it was different. He didn’t just take her, he had begun touching, not much and not as much as other men, but it was a difference and Nikki hung onto the simple evidence that the man wasn’t actually made of stone.
“Oh my God! Look at her face!” Nikki jumped when Bambi punched her arm playfully. “Shit! She has that dreamy look that we all know too well.”
“What are you laughing about Bambi? You still get that look when Moose walks in the room. Makes me sick.” Angel made a gagging noise and the others laughed as Bambi blushed prettily. The woman was beautiful enough to be on TV. Her auburn hair was long and shiny and her big brown eyes looked as innocent as the woodland creature she was named for.
“At least I don’t have his name tattooed on my…” Bambi made a motion toward Angel’s crotch.
“Shut up, you bitch! You weren’t supposed to tell that!” Angel looked embarrassed.
The other women started talking at once and the room took on a happy atmosphere that Nikki felt comfortable in.
It wasn’t long until Moose and Ink stepped in carrying the requested items and the women all cracked up when Bambi did in fact get all starry eyed when her mountainous husband walked in the room.
The men just shook their heads. “Law ain’t gonna like this.” Moose announced in his booming voice that somehow still sounded tender.
“It’s his own fault.” Lacey said as she pulled the items from the bags and began making margaritas. “He said she couldn’t associate with us, so we had to come associate with her instead.”
Ink rolled his eyes at the logic of women.
“That won’t work on Law Queen and you will just end up getting Nikki in trouble.”
“Oh please, he’s not that bad. If she is going to stay, she has to figure that out and put him in his place, I’m helping.”
Moose raised his brows.
“Be careful Lace. If he hurts her you will never get over it.”
Nikki felt a shiver run down her spine. She trusted these women, but the men knew more about Law than the women and they seemed to think she was in danger. She dropped her head.
“Shit. I’m sorry Nikki…I didn’t mean to scare you. It is what it is. Don’t let them make you think it’s more than that. It’s not. Not with Law.”
“I know.” The mood grew somber and no one spoke for several seconds.
“Would you two leave? You’re spoiling our fun!” Lizzieie finally announced in an exasperated voice that showed her aggravation. “We know Law will never settle down, but she is the first woman he has shown any interest in and we are curious.”
“Yeah, just wanted to see my girl anyway.” Moose grinned and the women laughed again when Bambi beamed.
“Shut up you bunch of bitches! If you knew what I know….” Bambi said as Moose cut her off with a hungry kiss.
The men left and the women proceeded to get drunk and forget their worries for the afternoon.
“Ok, I get Bambi’s name and Angel and Lizzie are actually your real names…What’s with Queen?” Nikki asked after she took a long drink of her margarita.
The women laughed and related the story of a pregnant Lacey confronting Shadow in the clubhouse and declaring herself the “Queen of Fucking Everything,” they said together.
“That was after she kneed my dear brother in the nuts.” Angel said still laughing.
Nikki was stunned. Lacey had stood toe to toe with Shadow and he hadn't killed her. In fact, he loved her. She pushed the hope that bloomed in her chest down, but it was still there. What would it be like to be loved by one of these hard men? These women seemed happy and they didn’t cower to their men either.
“Oh hell, there it is again.” Lizzie rolled her eyes. “Nikki you have to be totally nuts to even think of wanting a man like Law.”
Nikki blushed and the women laughed again.
The women were just finishing their third pitcher of margaritas when the front door slammed. They all jumped and looked at each other with wide eyes before dissolving in laughter, all except Nikki.
“What the hell is going on in my goddamned house?” Law raged as he stalked into the kitchen.
“Law!” Queen laughed and apparently forgot whatever else she had planned to say.
“Queenie… did I invite you and your gaggle to my house and I somehow forgot or are you trespassing?” He glowered down at the woman who only smiled up at him. “I shoot trespassers.”
“I’m totally trespassing.” She leaned back and fixed Law with a glare. “It’s your own fault too.”
“How the fuck do you figure that?” Law asked as Shadow, Moose, and Ink stepped into the kitchen.
“Well,” Lacey stood and staggered over to Shadow where she was engulfed in his arms. “W
e were going to take Nikki out, but we can’t really go anywhere, so we figured we could hang out at one of our houses, because you are so anal about yours, but she wouldn’t go ‘cause you said she isn’t allowed to be around us for some bullshit reason…” Shadow covered her mouth when Law frowned and cut his eyes to Nikki who even after too many drinks knew she was in trouble.
“That’s right Queenie, she don’t get to mix with you because she’s just my whore. Old ladies are better quality. You should know that by now.”
Shadow cursed when Lacey bit him. “Why you sorry son of a…” Shadow covered her mouth again and this time he lifted her and carried her away still spitting muffled curses.
“Say goodbye Lace.” Shadow said and used her hand to wave which earned him a smack to the arm.
Nikki caught the head shake Ink sent Angel and the frown Moose sent Bambi. These men were in control of their women, maybe she had been wrong.
“Time to go ladies.” Law pointed to the door.
“Well, none of you can tell me shit so I will say what you are all too afraid to,” Lizzie stood up on unsteady legs and pointed her finger in the direction of the cluster of Laws she was probably seeing. “You are a son of a bitch and I for one hope that Nikki can get the hell away from you and find a real man to make her happy before…” Lizzie slid to the floor in a drunken heap.
“Fuck.” Ink rolled his eyes and pulled Lizzie’s body into his arms. “She fucking pukes on me and I’m beating your ass.” He pointed at Angel who nodded even as she suppressed a giggle.
All too soon Nikki was left alone with a very angry Lawless.
“Not one fucking word from you. Not. One. Get your ass upstairs and get naked and don’t expect shit tonight. You need to remember your place.”
Nikki snorted and rolled her eyes, but she did go and she didn’t say a word, out loud.
Nikki woke with a splitting headache. Law was standing by the bed frowning down at her.
“Would you fucking wake up?”
Nikki blinked and tried to sit up. She grabbed her head to keep it from popping off and squinted up at Law.
He was still frowning, but his eyes were crinkled at the edge as if he wanted to smile, sick bastard.
“Here, take these and drink this.” He didn’t wait for her to reach out, he just crammed two pills in her mouth and pressed a straw to her lips. Nikki swallowed.
“Pain killers and drink the damned water. No fucking women at my house today, or any damned day, we clear?”
“Yeah, it’s not like I invited them. You didn’t have to be such a dick about it. They were only being nice.”
He looked shocked. “Is that right?”
“Mmmhmm. They knew I was lonely and needed company. It was what nice people do.”
“You aren’t fit to be around nice people, mouse.”
Nikki snorted as she curled back up with her pillow. “Pot, kettle.”
Law laughed. “I think I like you better hung over, at least you have a spine. Fucking passed out on me last night so you owe me.”
Nikki turned to look up at him. “Ok. What do you want?”
Law thought for a second as he let his eyes run over her. “Dinner.”
Nikki beamed. “Ok. What do you like?”
“Anything good. “I’ll let you know when.”
“Ok.” For the first time she felt like a person again. Did men ask their whores to make them dinner? Probably, but it still made Nikki happy to be used for something other than sex.
Law left her in his bed and climbed on his Harley, he would send someone out to see what she needed later in the day.
Nikki waited all day for the phone Law had gotten her to ring. It would be their first meal together and Nikki was more than a little excited. Around lunch time a man came by and she wrote out a list of the things she needed from the store. He stared at her with a hungry look in his eyes, but he didn’t dare touch her so she didn’t make anything of it.
An overly flirty prospect delivered her things around two in the afternoon and Nikki had been glad to see him go too. Every man who came around acted like they were waiting their turn and it made her sick.
She had started preparing as soon as he left so all she had to do was throw everything in to cook. After ten p.m. she gave up.
Nikki wiped her tears and berated herself for being a fool. She made herself a plate of fruit and salad, but it tasted like ash and she couldn’t finish it. She packed the food away and placed it all in the refrigerator and cleaned the kitchen. Then she showered and curled up in her bed. She was a fool for ever thinking she would mean anything to Law above the satisfaction he found in her body. A man like that couldn’t care for anyone, not even himself. She would never even be a second thought to him.
It was after three in the morning when Law staggered into his living room. Shit had gone down and Preach had asked him and a couple other brothers to check out some shit in town. He knew he should have called Nikki, but he didn’t. He didn’t owe her shit and didn’t want her expecting him to answer to her.
He stalked to the kitchen expecting to find something recriminating that he could get good and pissed over, but only found a spotless kitchen. He opened the refrigerator to find the food packaged carefully and the guilt hit him. He didn’t like the feeling. Determined to rid himself of it he stalked to his room only to find it empty. Had she left him? He found the thought distasteful and that caused his anger to rise.
His heart fluttered in his chest and for the first time her realized that he would care if she was gone. He walked down the hall and flung open her door and felt relief swamp him when she sat up blinking in her normal wide eyed fashion.
Her dark curls stuck up all over her head and her eyes were puffy. She had been crying and Law wanted to beat the shit out of the man who had hurt her, but since it was him, he couldn’t.
She smiled brightly for a moment before it fell and Law knew she had remembered his broken promise.
He expected her to mention it or even hint about it, but she didn’t.
“What do you need?”
Her voice slapped at him. It was as cold as his and he hated it.
“I had business tonight, I should have called.” He couldn’t bring himself to say he was sorry, but apparently he didn’t need to. She smiled.
“Yes, you should have. Are you hungry? It seems I still owe you a meal.”
Law nodded. He wasn’t hungry, but the least he could do was eat the food she had gone to so much trouble to prepare for him. He hoped it was good.
Nikki climbed from the bed and padded across the floor. She wore a big t shirt and her bare legs made his groin tighten and for the first time in years he suppressed it. He only followed Nikki to the kitchen and sat at the table while she busied herself cooking his dinner.
He gritted his teeth. He had always enjoyed sitting in the kitchen while a woman cooked, even as a child. The way they talked as they worked. Nikki hummed and he was pretty sure she wasn’t aware of it. She was consumed in her task and let down the walls she usually had around him. Only when she was first waking did she let her emotions show and she was always happy to see him at first, maybe that’s why he liked waking her so much.
When she set his plate on the table in front of him and smiled Law was taken aback. He had always wanted this. Before he could stop himself he grabbed her hand.
“Thank you Nikki and I’m sorry.”
In that moment he knew he was lost. Her beautiful green eyes filled with tears and she smiled as if he had given her something precious. Then her arms circled his neck and he felt like the worst sort of man.
“You’re welcome Law and you are forgiven.” She stood and walked to the refrigerator, but looked back. “Drink?”
Law cleared his throat. “Just water, thanks.”
She nodded and filled a glass. “Lime?”
He had noticed the dam
ned things in his refrigerator and wondered what the hell she was doing with them, she put them in her water. He nodded, what the hell and picked up his fork.
Law took a bite of the steak that lay on a bed of pasta and wanted to groan. It was the best steak he’d tasted in too long.
“Fuck this is good.”
Nikki giggled. “My mom used to make it when I was small. My stepdad always loved it, I figured you might too.”
“What about your brother?”
The blood drained from her face and he wanted to call his words back, but he couldn’t.
“We are going to have to talk about it Nikki.”
She nodded. “I know, but not tonight, ok?”
In that moment he couldn’t deny her so he nodded and kept eating.
Nikki shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Law had insisted she ride with him to town and she admitted she was afraid. She was safe at Law’s house, but out here she wasn’t so sure. She jumped when he spoke and saw him grit his teeth.
“Would you stop it?”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“You are safe Nikki. Nobody will hurt you. Hell, nobody can even see you in here.” He nodded to her dark tinted window.
Nikki nodded but she wasn’t so sure. Her brother could get to her.
“Come on.”
“Can’t I just stay here?” But then she would be alone…
Law let out a long breath. “We are going in to buy you some more clothes. I need you to do that. I’m not picking out your panties ‘cause I know for damned sure they wouldn’t be what you like, but I’m damned tired of looking at the same ones every day.”
She let out a breath and tried to smile. “I’m being silly.”
“Ya think? Who the fuck will mess with you while you’re with me?”
Nikki nodded and tried to believe him.
Law eyed her from head to toe. “We need to have a fucking talk Nikki and soon.” He stepped out and slammed his door before she could say a word.
She stepped out of the big truck and heard a shrill whistle. She looked up into eyes that burned with hatred and almost screamed. She backed up so fast she almost fell until Law’s hand steadied her.