Lawless (Defenders MC Book 2) Read online

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  “Fucking new at this shit.” Law grunted as he grabbed her hips and slammed her down on his dick letting out a hiss when it tugged at his piercing. Nikole only let out a gasp as he stretched her to the brink of pain, and he nodded his approval.

  He bounced her on his lap until he was spent, but he took care to make sure she was satisfied too, and the sounds of her release were too pure to be anything but real. Then he showed her the bathroom. Law didn’t like the company of many women and he didn’t see himself liking Nikki’s so he didn’t bother to hang around her. He went and shot pool and drank beer and watched the other women dance. It wasn’t until he saw her talking to Shad’s oldlady that he went back to her side.

  Nikole knew it was dangerous to be too curious, but she had to get the information for Teddy or he would kill her. She hadn’t expected to get to talk to Lacey, but the woman sat on a barstool looking completely out of place. Nikki sat beside her and introduced herself and surprisingly Lacey seemed really nice.

  “You look miserable.”

  Lacey laughed. “I am. I hate these things, but Shad insisted that I stay until he was finished so he could take me home.”


  “Shadow is my oldman.” Lacey grinned from ear to ear and Nikole wondered how this normal looking woman could love a man like Shadow. She was wearing a skirt suit for goodness sake.

  “I didn’t know you called them that back. I thought it was just oldladies.”

  “It is.” That voice slid down Nikole’s spine and made her heart race. She was an idiot.

  “Oh hush Law. If I’m his oldlady I can say he’s my oldman.”

  “You are property Queenie. You belong to him just like his motorcycle and his boots. They can’t say they own him and neither can you.” Law sneered. “Better to get over that women’s lib bullshit.”

  “Well aren’t you particularly nasty tonight? We will just have to ask Shad.” Lacey stuck her tongue out at Law causing Nikole to raise her brows.

  Nikole saw him then and wanted to scream. She actually felt it bubble up in her throat. This was the scariest man she had ever looked at. His eyes were so black they looked like she was looking into nothing and his face was so calm that it looked like a mask or the face of a dead man walking. She stepped back without thinking and felt Law against her back. She was amazed at this woman who talked to these men as if they weren’t as likely to gut her as not.

  “Shad, Law is being a dick.” Lacey crossed her arms and frowned.

  “How’s that different?” The man motioned for a beer and took a long pull.

  “Fuck you Shadow man.”

  Shad raised his brows slightly. “What’s the issue here?”

  “Law said that I am property like your bike and your boots and have no right to lay claim to you too.”

  “Lacey girl, Law is one stupid motherfucker sometimes.” He just drank his beer like nothing was going on at all. “Wonder if he put on a cup before starting that shit with you.”

  Lacey actually smirked. Nikole decided the woman must have a few screws loose. She braced herself for the fight she knew would come, but was shocked when Law burst out laughing and slapped Shad on the back. “You are an asshole Shad. You could let me have fun with her sometimes.”

  “Yeah, your fun gets my dick in trouble.” Shad finished his beer and sat the bottle on the bar.

  Law laughed again as Shad wrapped his massive arms around the little woman in front of him. “Ready to go baby?”

  Nikole let her eyes run up the black chains that encircled his arms and fronwed.

  “Mmmhmm.” Lacey nuzzled her nose into the man’s neck.

  Nikole caught the wink Lacey sent her and then they were gone.

  Nikole found herself staring at Law. When he smiled he was almost handsome, if his eyes weren’t so cold. If he didn’t speak he would be panty dropping gorgeous, but he was a bastard to the bone and every word betrayed it.

  “Do they live nearby?” She asked trying to sound flippant.

  Law frowned. He got in her face until their noses touched. “What the fuck do you care? You don’t get to talk to her. She is an old lady and you are a whore. Don’t try to mix, you ain’t in the same league.”

  For some reason that hurt. Nikole felt her eyes well with tears and she shoved both hands into Law’s chest hard.

  “You really are an asshole Lawless.”

  He was in her face again as if her hands were nothing. “So? What the fuck do you care what I am? All I want from you is your pussy and maybe your mouth when I want to stick my dick in it. Queenie is worth more than you ever will be. I trust her. I will never trust you. Like I said you can’t compare. Best get that through your fucking head from the start. ”

  “And you are an asshole who could never compare to a real man.”

  He gripped her throat again and this time she thought he’d choke her, but he just held on until he saw enough fear in her eyes and let go.

  “You will learn to keep your fucking mouth shut.”

  “Yeah I guess so.”

  “Where the fuck have you been Nikki?”

  “I’d tell you, but I’m learning to keep my fucking mouth shut.”

  She thought she saw something glimmer in his eyes, but that would mean he was human and Law wasn’t human. She ground her teeth as she turned and walked away from Law. She wiped her tears and climbed back on the bar. She may have just made a mistake there, but she was damned tired of him treating her like she was worthless. She was starting to believe him.


  Nikole struggled to her feet. Teddy had made her move into a tiny apartment not far from Tease. That was where he had taken her from her bed just after she’d escaped the party. He had beaten and questioned her for hours. Then he had given her to his friends to play with while he made his sick plans. He did say they couldn’t fuck her though, but that didn’t save her from their other disgusting actions. She could still feel their hands sliding over her body and she wanted to shower again. She was glad Dax had been busy, he wouldn’t have been denied anything. He already claimed her as his property and Nikole knew he wouldn’t be kind to her the way Shad had been to Lacey.

  The Defenders were not gentlemen, but these were far worse. The Devils hurt her just to hear her scream. The harder she fought the more they enjoyed her and the more she lost herself. Before the night had ended she’d just gone cold and still as they forced her to touch them and as they did as they pleased to her. She was sore and she was bruised all over. Last night had been the first time Teddy had given her to his men and it had killed something inside of her. Now she was exactly what Law had called Mace that first day. A pussy with legs and she didn’t even have the nice tits. She was no longer a person. She was no longer the little girl her mother had loved. No longer the woman who had laughed and had fun with friends. Nikole was dead. Now all that was left was Nikki, a whore and a stripper and no one would mourn her when she was dead. For the first time she was almost glad that her mother was dead so she couldn’t witness the total mess Nikki’s life had become. She wondered if Mace felt this way somewhere deep inside and she decided she must, she had to. No one could enjoy this life.

  Nikki wiped a tear from her face. She had to learn to deal with it. She felt a kinship with the women at Tease. They didn’t seem to be miserable and somehow Nikki would learn from them. They were her family now and she would figure out how to fit in with them.

  She had only slept for an hour after she’d been dumped at home and tried to scrub the filth from her body. Now she had to go to the club and try to pretend that she wasn’t the filthiest whore in the room. She had to accept what she had become and learn to live with it.

  Law watched Nikki go through the motions of practicing her routine. He saw her reach up from time to time and wondered if she really was crying as he suspected. The other girls were giving her pitying looks and plenty of room and for some reason that tugged at him. He wanted to go to her just so she wouldn’t be so alone. He gro
und his teeth at the thought and let his eyes caress her body. He saw the dark smudges on her skin and wondered which of his brothers had marred her. It was strange to him that it pissed him off so bad, but he knew he would beat the shit out of the man who bruised her if he knew who it was. He only half listened as Shad went over the security for the shipment and the rumors that were circulating about the Devils.

  “Law are you fucking listening?” Shad said in his quiet voice that made the temperature in the room seem to drop.

  “Yeah.” He couldn’t stand the way she looked today, something was off and he hoped it wasn’t his fault. It was like her light had just gone out.

  “Damn it Law, this shit is serious and there you are mooning over some damned whore like a teenager. I gotta know you got my fucking back here.”

  That stung. Law glared at his brother. “What the fuck does that mean Shad? You lost faith in me? After all the shit that’s gone down, you question me?”

  “Fuck you Law. You know I trust you.” Law met his brother’s eyes and knew trust remained. “But get your head in this. If that bitch is distracting you, get her the fuck out of here.”

  “I don’t like her being this close while we talk anyway.” Spec put in as he pushed his glasses up his nose. “I still can’t figure out where she came from.” He chewed on his lip and studied Nikki like a bug under a microscope.

  Shad cut his eyes to Law. “She a threat?”

  Law shrugged. “How the fuck should I know? Spec said Riders woman spoke for her. I’m just fucking her.”

  Shadow’s eyes cut to the stage. “I think I need to have a talk with your new piece Law. Lacey said she looked familiar to her, but she couldn’t place her.”

  Lacey worked as the ADA of Combine County and somehow didn’t mix work and home. If she had seen Nikki it could be telling.

  Nikki felt those black eyes turn to her and her body turned to stone. She saw death in his face and she knew if she didn’t run now, he would kill her. That man was like the death angel her grandma always talked about and he would bring her death if he looked into her soul. He would see the darkness that had encased her and the emptiness and he would claim her soul forever.

  Nikki shivered at the course her thoughts had taken. She forced herself to practice for another five minutes and excused herself. Then she ran. Her stepbrother couldn’t hurt her as bad as that man with the black eyes and nothing terrified her as much. She would face Teddy or better yet, she would just go home. She could run away from here and when she got home she would tell the sheriff she worked for what was going on. He would protect her. She closed her eyes or the Devils would just kill him and anyone else that got in their way. A fat tear rolled down her face and landed on her thigh. Was there any way for her to truly escape?

  She drove to the edge of town before a car pulled in behind her and turned on blue lights.

  “Ms. Pride?” The officer asked as he stepped to her window.

  Nikki nodded.

  “Officer Teddy Buxton is your brother?”

  “Yes. Teddy is my stepbrother.” She knew this wasn’t good.

  “I’ve been asked to bring you in Ma’am. Would you please step out of the car?”

  Nikki sat for a moment. She knew she could call in and ask if this was for real or just ask for help. She picked up her phone and the officer snatched it out of her hand.

  “Now you don’t need to go and do that. I won’t hurt you. Just come with me and I’ll take you to your brother.”

  “Just let me go. You know he will hurt me. Please just let me go.”

  The officer looked unsure for a split second. Then he shook his head.

  “I’m sorry. I need the money he’s paying me. Please come with me, I really don’t want to hurt you.”

  Nikki dropped her head. There was no way out.

  The officer refused to speak to her on the drive. She begged him to let her go, to help her, but he just drove until he pulled up in front of the house she’d shared with her stepbrother and climbed out of the car. There were three motorcycles sitting out front and she shuttered, but she had to face this mess. She would tell Teddy that she knew where Shad had his family hidden, she had a pretty good idea, but she would never tell him for real. How could she? They wanted to murder Lacey and her children. Nikki couldn’t help them do that, even if she knew Shadow would kill her in the most painful way imaginable if he found out who she was.

  She made her way quietly inside hoping none of the men would see her. She was wrong.

  “Well if it isn’t the little mouse.” Dax sat sprawling on the couch. “Get over here and suck my dick bitch or have you had that bastard Law in your mouth today?”

  Nikki didn’t know why she nodded, but she would rather be beaten than have to suck his disgusting dick again. She saw the rage rise as Dax’s face reddened. Maybe she would escape after all. She gave Dax a coy smile.

  “I need to get upstairs and shower… the condom broke so he just used my mouth the next time.”

  “Stupid whore.” Dax stood and back handed her across the face with enough force to send her flying. The she felt his booted foot slam into her stomach. He lifted her by her hair and this time he used his fist and then the world went dark.


  Nikki opened her eyes slowly. She wasn’t in her house. Her head hurt and when she tried to move she found that she hurt all over. Memories flooded her mind and she tried to sit up. Her battered body wouldn’t allow it so she just lay there in a beaten heap and let the tears come. Teddy had been there when she’d come to her senses. He had questioned her for what seemed like days, but could have been hours. She was given water a couple of times and something to eat. She passed out from time to time so she had no idea of time passing. They had wanted to know about the Defenders, but she honestly didn’t know much about them. She knew she probably said more than she should have, but her mind had been too fuzzy to control every detail. They asked her about Lacey the most. She had told them that Lacey and her family were in a cabin up in the hills behind the clubhouse in the direction she thought to be opposite from the reality.

  Then, when they thought they had everything she could tell them Dax had beaten her until she thought she would die, ranting about his old lady being a Defenders whore and how she would see what happened when women screwed him over. She had no idea where she was, but she knew she may as well be dead.

  “Shhhh now don’t do that. It’s alright.”

  That voice had her eyes jerking wide. Lawless sat in a chair beside her bed and looked like he hadn’t slept in days.

  She tried to speak, but only managed to start coughing. The pain was unbearable. Law came and helped her sit up and drink from a plastic straw. The cool water hit her mouth and trickled down her parched throat, soothing it.

  “Where am I?” She managed to whisper through her cracked lips.

  “My room.”


  “Cause somebody beat the fuck out of you and I want to know who and why.”

  Nikki shook her head. “I can’t tell you that and it doesn’t matter.” She met his eyes. “Just kill me Law. I deserve it and if you don’t someone else will.”

  Law stood from the bed as if she had slapped him.

  “Why would I kill you?”


  “Shut the fuck up.” He ran his hands over his head and laced them behind his neck. “You are my new house mouse is what you are. You do as I say and you can stay at my place where you’ll be safe. You screw up and I’ll dump your ass back in that fucking ditch. We clear?”

  Tears streamed down Nikki’s face. She knew that it didn’t mean Law cared for her, but it did mean she would be out of Teddy’s reach. She would cook and clean for Law and even let him fuck her when he wanted, at least it was just him and not Dax and his friends. He wouldn’t hurt her, somehow she knew he wouldn’t.

  “Shit. What now?” He looked confused.

  “Thank you Law.” She buried her ruined face in h
er hands. “Thank you so much.”

  Law gritted his teeth. This beautiful woman was thanking him for essentially making her his slave and his whore. He felt shame crash into him and it wasn’t something he enjoyed. She was into something and Spec and Shad still hadn’t figured out what it was, but she needed help.

  Law ran his hand over his short hair and stared at the woman in his bed. What the fuck was he thinking?

  “FUCK!” He felt helpless. Why the fuck did he care what happened to this whore? He tried to calm his voice. “We can get your shit and get you moved in as soon as you are well enough.”

  Nikki looked up at him. “I don’t have anything.” She knew better than to mention her car because that would link her to her stepbrother and that would sign her death warrant. “My purse was probably taken.”

  Her sea green eyes were swimming in tears and for the first time in too many years he wanted to comfort her. No woman had made him feel anything in so long that he wasn’t used to it. “Alright. We will get all that taken care of too. Did you have credit cards or anything that needs canceling?” He wasn’t gruff, but he damned sure wasn’t tender. He had to treat her like the other whores. Then he could handle this.

  “No. Just my driver’s license and some money I made from the club.”

  “Well alright. I guess we can get you some clothes and shit. Just rest.” He felt like a damned kid, tongue tied and inadequate. “You hungry?”

  She thought about it and nodded. “Yeah, I could eat.”

  “I’ll get you something.”

  She reached out and took his hand. He looked down at hers like he didn’t know what to do.

  “Thank you Law. I should be able to get started in a couple days.”

  Law walked out of the room more angry than he had ever been in his life. She was busted to shit and wanting to get started serving him in two days. Like hell. She had been out of it for three days. Moaning and groaning about things that made no sense. She had two broken ribs, her shoulder had been dislocate and she’d had a concussion along with too many bruises and cuts to count. Most of his brothers would whine for a week or two if they’d taken that kind of beating, but this woman wanted to start earning her keep. Bullshit.